Thursday, August 20, 2009

Week 37 - Feeling Heavy and Tired

Wah.. time flies soooo fast... Now Baby J already in Week 37! Counting down to less than a month and I will have him in my arms..

Recently, I experienced light bleeding/spotting and it really freaked me out... Thurs night had spotting and it continued on Friday morning. Hence I called TLC and the nurse asked me to go down and have a check as I had slight cramps as well.

When I was at TLC, I realised the spotting had turned into red blood instead of brown!!! Sharks... It really freaked me out... After seeing Dr Paul, he did a check and confirmed that baby's fine and also consoled me saying that Baby J's big enough and even if he decides to arrive early, he will be alright.

After hearing that, I don't know if its good news or not... It suddenly dawned on me that we are not ready for Baby J! @@

Cause we still didn't get like tonnes of items, cot not set up, bedding not bought.. hahahah

I'm recently hooked with watching 命中注定 我愛你... Very very nice show... can watch till I cry like mad.. hahaha

Lots of things to do.. hope to be to settle everything, pack my hospital bag, set up cot and etc and wait for Baby J!

We are also torn between names Jordan or Joel... Hub likes Jordan and Joy loves the name Joel... hahah But one thing were are sure is the middle name would be Isaiah... :)

Stay tune!

Monday, July 13, 2009

I've started a new blog to document my Scrapbook Journey!

Hey friends,

I've just started a new blog to document my scrapbook journey:

This blog is dedicated to my Scrapbook works. Although now only have a few items uploaded, I hope to have more Scrapbook work done and upload the pictures :)

Do visit it when you are free... heheh.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

My Bro bought Bird Nest for Me

My bro bought BirdNest for me!!!! They went Fu Hua and bought the dried birdnest leh!!! SUPER EXPENSIVE loh... I so touched..!!!

Thanks Bro! Love Ya

Josiah's 1st Day of School - 1st June 09

1st of June was a big day for our little Prince, Josiah Elisiah Anandha!!!
1st day of school, meeting new friends and having a new schedule didn't scare him a bit. He was happily carrying his bag and follow Jie Jie and Kor Kor to school. As it was school holidays for Kor Kor Joshua, so I enrolled him for some Before and After School Care activities for him in his previous Childcare YWCA.
Some pics of Josiah in school, I only have a few cause he was all over the school and it was hard to get a nice picture of him STAYING STILL! lol.
Assembly Time with Jie Jie's Class:

Time with his new Friends during lesson time:

Lunch Time!!! Lunch time has never been a problem for our little prince. He was enjoying his fav food of Toufu and Soup!


He totally enjoyed himself and poor teachers had to tolerate him running around during classes. lol

Thursday, May 28, 2009

五月初五 - 端午节

Today is Dumpling Festival... and I had a yummy dumpling.

As I was coming to work, I recieved an SMS which said "I brought a dumpling for your breakfast" from NORA!!!

This year, no one at home made dumpling, don't know why so I have no dumpling to eat... but Nora brought a rice dumpling that her mum made. I was so touched...

Here's the pic of the dumpling that of course no longer exist cause I ate it.. hahahha
Another pic of it:

It was yummy!!!
Thanks Nora!

My Crazy and Expensive Meals

As you know, being pregnant sometimes may make the mummy have cravings. Well I didn't have cravings but just hahah spending lots of money.

26th May 2009 - As colleagues were all either on leave or on training, I was alone for lunch. Hence I went Kiddy Palace @ TPY to check out price of baby items. After thatI walked to Mac for lunch but it was too pack and it was raining... So I walked down along the walkway..... ha ha in the end I ended up in ICHIBAN BOSHI! Ha ha

I was hungry and bored, I ordered 1 Ichiban Bento( which consist of Grilled Fish, Salmon Sashimi, Chawanmushi, Assorted Tempura, Rice, 2 slices of Orange and Miso Soup!) and 1 Hot Green Tea. After having that, I ordered some deserts so that I can get another stamp on my Ichiban card hence I ordered 1 scoop of Matcha Ice Cream and 1 scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream. I ate everything just leaving 1/2 scoop of vanilla... Haha scary isn't it?

The costs?... I spent $26.95 on Lunch alone... Oh man...

27th May 2009 - Alone again, I went to Novena Square 2 for lunch. As I didn't know what to eat, I just stood at the mall directory to see where I could go. Although there was a lot of things listed there, I just saw this word as if it was calling me: OLD HONGKONG!!!

This time, I took pictures when my food was delivered... heheheh

It started with Longan and Red Dates Tea, the small cup is so interesting and it will not get hot at all even the tea is very very hot, cool isn't it? Then a Pear Soup... 清凉润肺。Look at the Yummy Soup!!! Fried Carrot Cake

Look at what I have on my table at first... Hahahah Then... Here comes my Roast Duck + Roast Pork Noodles:

And lastly, Fried Beancurd Skin with Seafood in it:

Its Yummy isn't it? Heheh

Now look at the whole table of food just for Mummy Steph and Baby J in her stomach... Yes I admit I'm a glutton!!! Ha Ha HaThis meal again cost me $26 +

Here's the harm done *^_^* :
So morale of the story is... "don't leave Stephanie alone for lunch..." hahah esp when she's pregnant... wahahaha

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Joshua Look-a-Like Meter

Which one should I trust? Hehehe



Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Officially announcing Baby #4

Hi Everyone,

Not sure if anyone's still following this blog cause I've not updated this for many months.... again... I know... I've been busy with kids and busy getting sick.

Have been sick since 8th Feb till now, 10 days... still coughing. Bronchitis has hit me bad.. real bad this time...

Anyway, the reason for this post is to officially announce that the Anandha family is expecting our 4th child... EDD on 18th Sept 09. I know its a surprise... its a surprise for us as well cause recently I've been very stressed about many issues and busy with our Eldest boy going to P1. We didn't have much "activities" and also that my health has not exactly been the best.

But we both acknowledge that this baby is God's blessing and we will try our best to give equal love and care to all our 4 kids.

A count of our nestlings: Joshua (7), Joy (soon to be 4), Josiah (soon to be 3)... so what should we name our 4th? We hope for a girl though so that we have 2 boys and 2 girls, I really can't imagine having 3 boys.. hahah but most importantly is to have a healthy baby lah...

I know many especially my family members are worried about how we are going to cope financially and physically but I think we will survive. We've survived with 3 kids, I'm sure we can do with 4. Of course I pray that God will bless us with the strength to stay together strong as a couple and parents to our wonderful children. I hope that God will bless us with patience and love to survive parenthood.

So do keep us in your prayers and be happy for us k?

Lots of Love,